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Nehemiah Trinity Rising


Nehemiah Trinity Rising is a not-for-profit  corporation dedicated to building peace. We provide education about restorative justice practices, skills for using such practices, and develop organizational relationships for the implementation of restorative justice practices in different various settings - schools, churches, detention centers, prisons, etc. - as a way of transforming relationships, changing mindsets about conflict and healing our communities.


We have members providing services to: Schools, Returning citizen agencies/facilities, Churches, Prisons and Community Organizations.

Our Mission is to provide advocacy, education and opportunities which promote and utilize restorative justice practices.
Megaphone Protestor

The NTR Vision

To create an AVALANCHE of ever-increasing numbers of people with knowledge and passion about the benefits of using restorative justice practices in transforming interpersonal, community, systemic and structural relationships.

© 2022 Nehemiah Trinity Rising, All Rights Reserved.

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